Sunday, April 13, 2008

What's the deal with CBC candidates?

Q: Why do they run a "joint campaign"? Are they all the same?

A: No, they're not all the same. They are independent, non-partisan candidates who came to the CBC Nominating Convention and asked for the CBC endorsement. Once they won the CBC Convention's endorsement, they became the CBC candidates.

Q: Then why run as a team?

A: Because it works! :-) No, seriously, it does work - the experience of campaigning together, working together towards a common goal in the weeks leading up to the election prepares the candidates for the job of serving on council or school board together.

It builds consensus. It builds a team - and many CBC-elected officials credit the arduous task of campaigning together for establishing the teamwork that GETS THINGS DONE once they are in office!

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