Friday, March 21, 2008

Mabry Drops Out of City Council race..

Just days after gathering signatures from citizens throughout Falls Church in order to have his name placed on the ballot for the City Council race, Sam Mabry asked the City's Registrar of Voters to remove his name from the ballot - citing "family reasons" to those close to him.

However, he reported to the Deliberation Falls Church website ( that he withdrew in order to push his Charter Change referendum instead.

The Charter Change referendum seeks to limit commercial development within Falls Church. If passed, it would change the City's Charter to only permit development that falls into a narrowly defined "percentage" system: a development would have to be "no more than 40% residential and 60% commercial" in order to qualify. No special exceptions; no discussion allowed. If it didn't pass the percentage test, it would be a "No Go".

The referendum would effectively hamstring any future City Council from negotiating with commercial developers. It would also do more than that: it could stop any developers out there who may be considering Falls Church, from bringing their projects here in the first place. This type of "government by referenda" is a developer's worst nightmare. None would knowingly walk into such an anti-development climate.

Falls Church has faced this type of assault before: a Charter Change referendum was also on the ballot in 2004 ~ and it was soundly rejected at the polls by a whopping 67% to 33%. One can only hope the voters will again see through the referendum attempt, being sold to them as a "let the people decide" democratic ideal, which is a sham: It's simply bad government.

All things considered, it's probably a good thing for Falls Church that the author of such a bad piece of (attempted) legislation has dropped out.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Washington Post: "Tiny Geo. Mason Stands Tall Among No.Va. Giants"

Hope everyone saw this great article in Friday's Washington Post about George Mason High School. For anyone who's lived in Falls Church for any length of time - this captures it all! The article is about the GMHS Girls Basketball team and their trip to the Virginia Single A State Championship tournament, but it also nails the essence of living in this 2.2 square mile city... check it out at

And even though the Lady Mustangs lost to the eventual State Champs, Floyd County, by a heartbreaking 4 pts. in the state championship semi-final game on Friday, Congratulations go out to the entire team for an OUTSTANDING season! Thanks for a great season, girls!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Awarness Ads In Falls Church News Press

Today is the official start of the campaign for candidates, Gardner, Hockenberry, and Webb for City council, and Maller, Hyland and Wodiska for School board. The innovative media buy illustrates the fact that we are a united group of individuals. All looking forward to a strong community, and strong schools, while being independent. This group is a can do group. Having moved the city forward after years of bickering and red tape. Robin Gardner said it best on the official campaign web site. are a community that is moving forward. We recognize that to retain our independence – something our community fought hard for more than fifty years ago – we need to maintain strong schools, an active business community, and a strong, reliable stream of revenue. These key elements in our community allow us to enjoy the things that define who we are: the Farmers Market, the Memorial Day parade, and the Concerts in the Park, to name a few We need to incorporate the feelings of all generations in our community to sustain our “village” – the place we call home."

We can not emphasize enough. The future strength of the city is at stake in this election. Voter turnout is paramount. The results from this election will be felt by everyone in the city. If you would like to help, please go to the web site and find out more.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

2008 Vote Falls Church Campaign is up and running in record time.

The new 2008 Vote Falls Church campaign is up and running in record time. One of the many traits of this group is the ability to get things done. The campaign is no different. This years election is playing out to be one of the most contested in years. There are huge differences between the two groups. So it is critical that the community understands what is at stake. Setting aside what we think we know from what is fact. That is the goal of this blog, to inform you of the facts as we see them and keep you updated on how things are playing out. The official campaign web site is linked on the left side of this page. Please stay tuned, comment and most importantly, get involved and vote.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Falls Church Real Estate Assessments up 1% overall. Decline in existing Residential Assessments Offset by New Construction..

Press Release from City of Falls Church, March 5, 2008:
FALLS CHURCH CITY, VA. – The total assessed value of real estate as of Jan. 1, 2008 increased slightly less than 1 percent over 2007. Assessments declined on most existing single family dwellings, townhouses, and condominiums. The value of commercial and new residential construction (primarily condominiums) offset the decline to yield an overall increase in real estate values by 0.8 percent. The City plans to mail assessments for 2008 to property owners by Monday, March 10.

Click here for the full article:

The Gardner Family

Mayor Robin Gardner & her family on Graduation Day! From left: Mike, Emma, Robin and David. :-)
As Robin campaigns for re-election, they are her strongest supporters!! If you see the Gardner family around town, be sure to thank them for sharing their mom/wife for the last 8 years with the rest of Falls Church. It takes a family dedication to public service to do what the Gardner's have done for 8 years, and with your vote - for 4 more years!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

NEWS FLASH!! Certified Candidates List!

As of Tuesday, March 4th at 5:00pm, there were 8 certified candidates for Falls Church City Council and 4 certified candidates for Falls Church School Board. A banner crop of candidates by anyone's reckoning, and it may just be a record number of City Council candidates! Your candidates are (in alpha order): (* denotes an incumbent)

Falls Church City Council:
  • Nader Baroukh
  • Robin Gardner*
  • Ed Hillegas
  • Marlind "Lindy" Hockenberry*
  • Margaret Housen
  • Patrice Lepczyzk
  • Sam Mabry
  • Lawrence Webb

Falls Church School Board:

  • Charlotte Hyland
  • Kim Maller
  • Kieran Sharpe*
  • Joan Wodiska*

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Kim Maller

Kim Maller, CBC Candidate for School Board, w/ her 2 daughters.